
Welcome to D-STAR Reflector 77.

This is the information website for D-STAR Reflector 077.

News & Updates

New Connections & Capabilities.
As of January 7, 2025, the following links are in place and operational:

  • Module A on Reflector 77 is linked to XLX Reflector 209A.  This is a bi-directional link…what is said on one is heard on the other.
    Module A is typically used by the Arkansas D-STAR Group so be sure to be courtesy & cooperative when you visit this module.
  • Module B on Reflector 77 is linked to XLX Reflector 209B.  This is a bi-directional link…what is said on one is heard on the other.
  • Module C on Reflector 77 is linked to XLX Reflector 209C.  This is a bi-directional link…what is said on one is heard on the other.
  • Module D on Reflector 77 is dedicated to data only and should not be used for voice.
  • Module Z on XLX Reflector 209 provides a “parrot” mode.  Use it to test your audio and hear how you sound to others.  Module Z is access via hotspot directly to XLX209 as are other modules on XLX209.

These links are in place 24×7 with rare exception.

The D-STAR System has 4 modules available (A-D).  XLX Reflectors have 26 modules (A-Z), so we have more capacity for additional enhancements that are in development.

Reflector 77 is equipped with 4-channel, real-time transcoding, which permits DMR users to talk with other non-DMR users.  This is in addition to the native D-STAR & Yaesu System Fusion (YSF) protocols built into XLX209.  Basically, XLX Reflectors are along the lines of a “universal translator” often use in the original Star Trek series.

We encourage you to visit and use our reflectors and enjoy the fun of Amateur Radio.

Typically, DMR users should link to XLX209 C Module via a hotspot.  DMR settings are more fully explained here:

DMR D-STAR Cross-Mode – 0x9900


Please remember when you are using linked systems, you must allow approximately 5 seconds between transmissions to permit each participating system (repeater/reflector/hotspot) to switch between transmit and receive modes.

Be mindful that linked systems provide a bigger world of communications so please follow lawful and courteous communications with others.

We hope you enjoy this new feature.

D-STAR Reflector 77 is Cloud-Based.
For sometime, there had been plans to migrate Reflector 77 to a Cloud environment.  The recent East Brainerd Tornado (April 12, 2020) was the genesis of moving forward with those plans.  The data center which hosted the Reflector 77 server was damaged by the tornado and was without power and Internet access for three days.

Through the technical skills of Robin Cutshaw, AA4RC, and Gary Ownsby, AK4ZX, as of Friday, April 24, 2020, Reflector 77 is now operating in The Cloud.  It might also be noted that Gary is also funding the operations expense for placement of Reflector 77 into its new cloud environment.

What Does This Mean to Users?
As a virtualized reflector, Reflector 77 no longer resides in only one physical place but rather is spread across multiple cloud computing centers.  As such it is almost completely impervious to storms, power outages, and most technical faults which could (and did) happen to a server located in a single location.

Power & Speed to Serve the D-STAR Community.
Reflector 77 is configured identically to Atlanta’s Reflector 30 so it has the capacity and speed to serve as a major communications hub and as an alternate hub for nets.

Native & Non-Native D-STAR Systems.
In this new world of multi-protocol capable repeaters and reflectors, only native D-STAR (Icom) repeaters will show at the top of the dashboard under “Linked Gateways”.  Other repeaters and devices capable of using the D-STAR protocol will appear under the category of “Remote Users”.

Repeaters and other devices linked to Reflector 77 are linked via cooperative agreement (as with the Arkansas D-STAR Network for Module A) or intermittently at the discretion of those originating the link.  So as with almost all D-STAR “links”, they may come and go throughout the day.

Available for Use.
Reflector 77 is available for a variety of uses including nets and special events.  Just get in touch and we’ll do all we can to support your needs.

Contact Administrator:  administrator@nullreflector77.net

Reflector 77 is proud to support the following:

  • Module A
    Hub for the Arkansas D-STAR Network on (24×7).  Please be mindful that the Arkansas D-STAR Network is linked 24×7 to this module and has first priority on its use.
  • Module B
    Hot Standby for the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency (TEMA) for use as a statewide communications hub during emergency events and drills. As TEMA does not use this module often, it is available for general ragchew and chit-chat; however, non-TEMA uses must cease usage if TEMA declares its intent to use.
  • Module C
    This module is available for general ragchew and chit-chat.  Please be mindful to share the module with others that may come along.  Module C is the “target” of transcoded traffic from XLX209C.

Reflector 77 Linking Schedule

D-STAR RepeaterModule LinkedLocationNote/Comment
Arkansas D-STAR NetworkModule AArkansasLinked 24x7
TEMA / General Rag-ChewModule BTennessee StatewideUsed as needed for emergencies & drills when declared for emergency use by TEMA, otherwise, available for rag-chew.
General Rag-ChewModule C

Visit the D-STAR Reflector Listing for more D-STAR reflectors.

System Configuration

Reflector Type:  dPlus

Modules Available:  A, B, C, & D via 10 GB (up/down) redundant, fiber Internet connection and backup power systems.

Credits & Acknowledgements

  • Thanks to Robin Cutshaw, AA4RC, for developing and maintaining the dPlus Software.
  • System Administrator/Owner:  Gary Ownsby, AK4ZX

Questions, Comments, or Problems?

Contact Administrator:  administrator@nullreflector77.net